Thank you for a 2024 filled with meaningful impact ❣️
IRES - Programa Click Funding 10.000€
Sponsored 12 vulnerable students to attend Programa Click (1 year). This program aims to support their educational goals with Individualized Mentoring, Tuition grants and other economic necessities.
Isha: "La beca que recibí abrió la puerta a mi carrera como desarrolladora iOS, convirtiendo sueños en realidad con cada línea de código."
Jan: “Va ser l’ajuda que necessitava per iniciar la meva carrera. M’agradaria tenir la meva pròpia empresa que treballi en projectes disruptius enfocats en la intel·ligència artificial i la ciberseguretat”
Fundació Scientia - Girls Gems Funding: 10.000€
Robotics for girls and boys in three underprivileged schools: Auró, Marinada and Ponent. 203 students ages 8 to 12.
What professors say about the program:
"Els infants sempre esperen el dia que els toca robòtica amb moltes ganes i molts diuen que és la seva matèria preferida. Els encanta jugar i programar i aprendre noves eines de treball. En general es percep que reben l'ús de l'aplicació i del Codey Rocky amb molta il·lusió."
Open Cultural Center - Migracode Funding: 10.000€
Migracode is the 1st Academy for refugees and migrants in Barcelona. Supported 6 students to attend the Full-Stack Web Development Bootcamp, and the JobBuddies Program (collaboration between FriquiFund and Migracode).
9 out of the 13 students who attended this course thanks to Friquiquifund in 2023, landed jobs in tech.
Support vulnerable friquis in Poble-Sec and Raval through the Prometeus, Aula Oberta and Modum programs.
Personalized remediation classes, funding for academic orientation activities and computer equipment.
Helped support ~60 students.
Fundació EXIT - Proyecto Coach
Funding: 5.000€
Guide and motivate vulnerable students in STEM-related FP Básica and Programas de Formación to continue their studies.
Accompanied 10 students ages 16-19 to participate in this program.
Funding: 5.000€
Sponsored 1 year of scientific extra-curricular STEM activities for 2 underprivileged primary schools: Escola Prim (15 students, 30 sessions) and Casal Nou Quitxalles (15 students, 20 sessions).
Additionally, we sponsored 4 students to attend scientific summer/winter camps.
Funding: 5.000€
Sponsored STEM workshops "Fem ciència" at Centre Obert Ció Barjau for 20 kids between 4 and 7 years.
"Altres valoracions positives que vam rebre per part dels infants són les ganes de voler seguir fent més experiments un cop acabada l'última sessió. També, van dir que els agrada més la ciència i que els ha canviat la visió que tenien, expressant que és més fàcil de comprendre i fer del que creien."
Factoria F5
Funding: 2.500€
AWS Cloud BCN Bootcamp (6 months) scholarship for 1 student.
Last year FF's sponsored student has been hired by PayRetailers! to do Web Development Support.
Funding: 4.000€
BAC Scholarship - Hamza: tuition and mentorship to continue studying Grau de Ciència, Tecnologia i Humanitats, UAB.
Migrant-Up Scholarship - Ahmed: tuition and mentorship to continue studying while working CFGS in Administració de Sistemes.
Our Mentorship: JobBuddies
This year we piloted a new program together with Migracode called JobBuddies aimed at helping students land their first job in Tech. It spans 8 weeks with one-hour session each week, providing structured assistance to find a job and covering topics such as CV preparation, job search techniques, crafting cover letters, interview readiness and mock interviews. In June we completed our 1st cycle with 8 mentees and 8 mentors with outstanding success (on a scale of 1 to 5, all mentees rated the program's usefulness a 5, and the helpfulness of the mentors a 5 as well), and in September we launched the 2nd cycle with 18 mentors and mentees. Some feedback from our mentees:
"An amazing experience, It really helped me to find a tech job. Thank you very much."
"Reviewing my CV with so much detail so I could focus my attention using a recruiter or some else's perspective."
"Loved the behavioral and technical interviews ❤️ Ana and David were so kind and supportive."
Thank you to all the mentors who made this possible: David, Joan, Enric, Ana, Nadid, Laurence, Toni, Bénita, Ettore, Joshua, Derick, Valeria, Juliano , Alex, Ruben, Blai, Arnau, Lledó, Natalia, Julio, Xiaoluo, Kai, Dorota and Sofía.
More than 20 FriquiFunders (members and mentees from Fundació BarcelonaActua) gathered at MWC Barcelona to attend Xavier Amatriain’s lecture on GenAI. After his session, we continued with a tour of MWC, to see latest advances in tech. Thank you Xavier for inviting us!
March, FF Talk on AI & Healthcare
Patrick Aloy (ICREA research professor) and Cristian Marti (Founder of Methinks) spoke about how AI can be leveraged in both drug discovery and in stroke detection. Had over 80 attendees and we raised +1000€. Thank you Patrick and Cristian!
April, Launched JobBuddies
FriquiFund and Migracode Launched 1st Edition of JobBuddies, with 8 mentees and 8 mentors. JobBuddies is a program that helps recent graduates land a job, with the help of a mentor, over a 8-week period.
May, STEM Talks in Cosmocaixa
FriquiFund organized together with Female Startup Leaders, a day of STEM Talks in Cosmocaixa. +600 Students (ages 10 to 16) listened to 10 women in STEM speaking about their careers, experiences, and what they do in their jobs. A truly inspiring day!
September, FF Talk on Education
Isaac Sayol (Founder and CPO of Innovamat) and Anastasia Nedayvoda (Accelerator Program Lead at Giga) talked about how Technology (and particularly AI) will shape the future of education. Thank you Isaac and Anastasia!
September, JobBuddies 2nd Edition
After the success of the 1st Edition of this program, we launched a second cohort (September-December) doubling its initial reach. This second edition involved 18 mentors and 18 mentees!
November, HackLab Escola Catalunya
Organized a Hacklab with Vailets, opening Escola Catalunya on a Saturday morning, so students and their families could participate in 8 workshops on robotics & STEM. We had 96 participants from 32 families.
Feedback from the school's director: "Moltes gràcies a tothom! A l'escola, ahir, no es parlava d'una altra cosa! Des de l'escola us volem agraïr a tots l'esforç, la il·lusió i la qualitat de la feina."
November, FriquiFund visits IRI
FriquiFund Members & Students (from Barcelona Actua and Fundació IRES) visited Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial. Heard about the latest advances in robotics designed to help humans.
Feedback from BAC: "Van tornar molt contents i recomanant molt aquest tipus de visites a altres joves. Així que, de nou, volem donar-vos les gràcies per la vostra implicació."
And thank you for being a part of this 🙌🏻!