IRES - Programa Click

2023, what an
unforgettable year ❣️
Together, thanks to your support, we accomplished great things and helped many Friquis! 🙌🏻
2023 in numbers
Friquis Benefited
Friquifund Members
Total Donations
What we did in 2023
IRES - Programa Click
Sponsored 7 vulnerable students to attend Programa Click (1 year). This program aims to support their educational goals.
Aquest curs l'Alexis ha començat un cicle formatiu. Ha passat d'aprovar el 50% de les asignatures a un 90%
A la Nàdia li ha costat molt finalitzar la ESO, pero ha decidit matricular-se al grau mig d'atenció a persones amb dependència
Para mi la beca es más que una oportunidad, es el camino que me lleva a cumplir mis sueños.
AEI Raval - Aula Oberta
Sponsored 11 students to attend Aula Oberta, an after-school program to help vulnerable kids.
Gràcies a l'Aula Oberta i a FriquiFund he pogut seguir els estudis. L'any passat vaig començar un grau superior de farmàcia i parafarmàcia i aquest any estic fent segon curs i ha començat les pràctiques.
Hola! Som la M. i el H.. Els dos estem estudiant batxillerat científic. Gràcies al suport de l'Aula Oberta vam pder passar nets a segon curs, i aquest any ja hem començat a preparar les proves d'accés a la universitat, per poder estudiar enginyeria.
Fundació Scientia - Girls Gems
High school robotics for girls and boys. 50 students in each of the 4 courses.
Una alumna que mostra dificultats en el seu procés d'aprenentatge va aconseguir fer la tasca de l'unitat didàctica de l'atletisme i es va estirar panxa enlaire i va dir: Ooh! ho he aconseguit, quina felicitat!
Els nens i les nenes estan molt motivats. Tots els comentaris referents al projecte han estat positius: "és molt divertit", "és molt maco", "'m'encanta jugar amb el robot", entre d'altres.
Open Cultural Center - Migracode
Grant for 6 students (refugees and migrants) to study a fullstack web development course for 1 year.
Migracode gave me the confidence to feel like a programmer
Migracode pushed me through discipline to attend to every class with our amazing volunteers.
Sponsored 2 students to attend a Science Summer Camp and 2 additional students to a Science Winter Camp.
Sponsored 1 year of scientific extra-curricular STEM activities for 2 primary schools (Escola Prim i Nou Quitxalles), 30 students.
Barcelona Actúa - Migrant Up
Tuition and mentorship for 1 university student (Grau de Ciència, Tecnologia i Humanitats, UAB).
Tuition and mentorship for 1 migrant to study while working (CFGS in Administració de Sistemes)
Factoria F5
AWS Cloud BCN Bootcamp (6 months) for 1 student.
With 14 mentees in 2023, we ran 2 group career mentoring sessions and held mock-interviews sessions throughout the year!
Our Activities
March, Session with Migracode Students
Shared job interview tips with recent graduates and ran mocked interviews. Thank you Magda, Enric, Anna and David!
April, Session with Prometeus Students
8 Prometeus students & 6 FFers met to discuss promotions, moving between companies and important skills for their careers.
April, Collaboration with Bitaminadas
6 FFers volunteered to mentee girls interested in STEM. Thank you Paula, Irene, Carmen, Sofia and Elisabeth!
May, Student visit to Amazon TechHub
20 students from Joan Salvat Papasseit High School visited the Amazon engineering hub at 22@. Thank you Hugo!
July, FF Talk: Responsible AI
Organized a fundraiser talk with +100 attendees, raising 2k€. Thanks to our speakers Ariadna Font-Llitjos & Ricardo Baeza-Yates
September, FF Talk: Generative AI
Organized a fundraiser talk with +120 attendees, raising 2.5k€.Thanks to our speakers Xavier Amatriain and Africa Periañez
Oct-Nov, Fundacio Èxit Coaching Pilot
Coached an FP Bàsica, 16y old student to increase his chances of not dropping out of his studies.Thank you David!
November, FF Appears on TV
Hugo appears on local TV (beteve) with one of our mentees, to talk about FriquiFund.
Watch here Thank you Hugo!
December, CCCB AI Exhibition Tour
Guided tour of CCCB's AI Exhibition, with 12 FFers and 3 students in our programs.
Thanks to Jordi Torres, FFer and scientific advisor of the exhibition!
December, AI Talk Prometeus
Delivered a talk by Marta Jussà (Meta) about AI for Prometeus Students, followed by a Q&A session with Friquifunders.
Thank you Hugo, Ferran and Eli!
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Thanks to our Sponsors
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Thank you so much for being a part of this 🙌🏻!